- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 1015
- author: Kevin deLaplante
What is a Good Argument? (Part I)
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video makes a first pass at a definition of a "...
published: 01 Feb 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
What is a Good Argument? (Part I)
What is a Good Argument? (Part I)
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video makes a first pass at a definition of a "good argument". More specifically, it introduces two conditions tha...- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 1015
- author: Kevin deLaplante
Analysis of a Sample Argumentative Essay: The Main Body
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video summarizes the overall logic of the argum...
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
Analysis of a Sample Argumentative Essay: The Main Body
Analysis of a Sample Argumentative Essay: The Main Body
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video summarizes the overall logic of the argument presented in the main body of our sample essay, and presents so...- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 1874
- author: Kevin deLaplante
What is Subjective (Bayesian) Probability?
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This is a sample video from my tutorial course title...
published: 20 Jun 2011
author: Kevin deLaplante
What is Subjective (Bayesian) Probability?
What is Subjective (Bayesian) Probability?
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This is a sample video from my tutorial course titled "What is Probability?". Click the link above to see the full tabl...- published: 20 Jun 2011
- views: 15641
- author: Kevin deLaplante
How to Write an Introduction to an Argumentative Essay
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This is a sample video from a tutorial series titled...
published: 01 Dec 2009
author: Kevin deLaplante
How to Write an Introduction to an Argumentative Essay
How to Write an Introduction to an Argumentative Essay
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This is a sample video from a tutorial series titled "How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay". The full series, and ma...- published: 01 Dec 2009
- views: 70009
- author: Kevin deLaplante
Analyzing the Conclusion of a Sample Argumentative Essay
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This is a sample video from a video tutorial course ...
published: 01 Dec 2009
author: Kevin deLaplante
Analyzing the Conclusion of a Sample Argumentative Essay
Analyzing the Conclusion of a Sample Argumentative Essay
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This is a sample video from a video tutorial course titled "How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay". In this video we ...- published: 01 Dec 2009
- views: 16884
- author: Kevin deLaplante
How to Write an Introduction
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video introduces guidelines for writing the int...
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
How to Write an Introduction
How to Write an Introduction
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video introduces guidelines for writing the introduction to an essay. The focus of this tutorial series is on argu...- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 2611
- author: Kevin deLaplante
How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: First Argument
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com A sample video from a tutorial series titled "How to...
published: 25 Nov 2009
author: Kevin deLaplante
How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: First Argument
How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: First Argument
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com A sample video from a tutorial series titled "How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay". This video looks at a single pa...- published: 25 Nov 2009
- views: 32372
- author: Kevin deLaplante
What is a "STRONG" argument?
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com A sample video from the video tutorial course titled...
published: 13 Jan 2010
author: Kevin deLaplante
What is a "STRONG" argument?
What is a "STRONG" argument?
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com A sample video from the video tutorial course titled "Basic Concepts in Logic and Argumentation". You can preview and p...- published: 13 Jan 2010
- views: 50699
- author: Kevin deLaplante
What is a Valid Argument?
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy Validity is an important concept in logic. This video in...
published: 01 Feb 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
What is a Valid Argument?
What is a Valid Argument?
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy Validity is an important concept in logic. This video introduces the concept of a "valid" argument.- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 1343
- author: Kevin deLaplante
How to Write a Conclusion
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video introduces guidelines for writing the con...
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
How to Write a Conclusion
How to Write a Conclusion
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video introduces guidelines for writing the conclusion to an essay. The focus of this tutorial series is on argume...- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 2696
- author: Kevin deLaplante
Simultaneous Causation, God and the Big Bang
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com Welcome to episode 013 of the Critical Thinker Podca...
published: 28 Mar 2011
author: Kevin deLaplante
Simultaneous Causation, God and the Big Bang
Simultaneous Causation, God and the Big Bang
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com Welcome to episode 013 of the Critical Thinker Podcast. This episode was inspired by an email question from YouTuber Th...- published: 28 Mar 2011
- views: 3807
- author: Kevin deLaplante
Probability: The General Conjunction Rule
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video shows how to calculate the probability of...
published: 24 Jan 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
Probability: The General Conjunction Rule
Probability: The General Conjunction Rule
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video shows how to calculate the probability of two events both occurring (A and B) even when the events are NOT p...- published: 24 Jan 2013
- views: 479
- author: Kevin deLaplante
The "Red Herring" Fallacy
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com. This is a sample video from a video tutorial course...
published: 15 Nov 2009
author: Kevin deLaplante
The "Red Herring" Fallacy
The "Red Herring" Fallacy
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com. This is a sample video from a video tutorial course titled "Fallacies", which you can preview at the link above. Part ...- published: 15 Nov 2009
- views: 68854
- author: Kevin deLaplante
What MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE means in Probability Theory
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This short video gives the basic definition of "mutu...
published: 24 Jan 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
What MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE means in Probability Theory
What MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE means in Probability Theory
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This short video gives the basic definition of "mutually exclusive" events, or propositions, in probability theory.- published: 24 Jan 2013
- views: 396
- author: Kevin deLaplante
Youtube results:
Hypothetical Syllogism
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video describes the valid argument form known v...
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
Hypothetical Syllogism
Hypothetical Syllogism
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video describes the valid argument form known variously as "hypothetical syllogism", "hypothetical argument", or "...- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 913
- author: Kevin deLaplante
Modus Tollens
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This is a sample video from a video tutorial course ...
published: 01 Dec 2009
author: Kevin deLaplante
Modus Tollens
Modus Tollens
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This is a sample video from a video tutorial course titled "Common Valid and Invalid Argument Forms", which you can pre...- published: 01 Dec 2009
- views: 13936
- author: Kevin deLaplante
Denying the Antecedent: A Formal Fallacy
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video introduces the formal fallacy known as "d...
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
Denying the Antecedent: A Formal Fallacy
Denying the Antecedent: A Formal Fallacy
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video introduces the formal fallacy known as "denying the antecedent".- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 573
- author: Kevin deLaplante
Propositional Logic: Necessary and Sufficient
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video show how to interpret the conditional log...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: Kevin deLaplante
Propositional Logic: Necessary and Sufficient
Propositional Logic: Necessary and Sufficient
http://www.criticalthinkeracademy.com This video show how to interpret the conditional logic of claims of the form "A is necessary for B" and "A is sufficien...- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 548
- author: Kevin deLaplante